Welcome to Whats on Corfu the ultimate directory of Corfu for all your needs on the beautiful Greek island .
With over 2,000 listings to choose from
Anything on Corfu is just a click away!
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Look no further - Anything on Corfu is just a click away!
Whether you are a Corfu resident or a tourist visiting this wonderful island, everything you need is here in one place, just a click away. Our ultra fast search facilities provide maps, directions, phone numbers and web site addresses for literally hundreds of places and businesses in the directory.
On the move
Our directory has been specifically designed to be used on mobile devices. With WhatsOnCorfu on your phone or tablet you have the perfect travel partner as you explore this island paradise.
You have found it
Our listings are divided into categories that can be searched very quickly. Choose to find locations nearest to you, in a chosen town or village, or within a specified range. The service automatically connects to Google maps. So, once you have found what you are looking for, a single click will display directions of how to get there!
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Use the language selector at the top of the page to choose the language in which you would like to use whatsOnCorfu.